Post Production Continuity ................................................................
Post-Production Continuity Transcription is an extremely specialized form of media transcription. It is a term that spans all transcription work in the post-production stage of film and television content production. It?s known that the post production stage takes more time than the pre-production or the actual shooting itself. Likewise, the transcriptioning needs are also varied. Post Production Continuity Transcript is known by many other names like Broadcast Continuity Transcript, Delivery Transcript and Post Production Script.
A post production transcript consists of an elucidation of on-screen action. It is more like a record of the movie that includes details like who said what ,at what time what was it said and when does he stop saying it. All this is transcribed verbatim with respect to the part of the unit. The reason it is called post production continuity transcription is that it also serves the purpose of helping in keeping a record of all events on screen so that there are no continuity problems in the form of inconsistencies between scenes. Not that, such a post production transcript is different from the original screenplay envisaged and created. The directors begin with a bound script complete with the dialogs, but while shooting of the movie, the directors tend to change the dialogs or the actors may speak differently to improvise on the dialogs.
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