Time Stamping/Coding
Time Stamping is a critical requirement
in Television program based transcription needs. According
to the customer specification, we satisfy different time stamping
* Frequency of time coding,
* Audio time code style,
* Subjective time stamping etc
B-Roll is an extra footage that can be used to illustrate the main story-line. Example: If a person is talking about a new school, the B-roll will include video of the new school. Most of the Television documentary and reality shows require transcription of the extra footage with simple narration. This will give good reading experience to the story readers.
Scenarios of Reality Footage
You have footage of a chef preparing a dish in a very busy kitchen studio. He is conversing with the staff, preparing dishes, talking to his personnel, etc.
You are shooting a reality TV show and want the 'non-interview' part of the material transcribed.
We are specialists in B-Roll transcription and we consistently attempt to identify each person speaking and transcribe brief descriptions of what is happening. The descriptions are general and it gives the reader of the transcript an idea of what is happening. Note: This is not B-Roll Logging service. Irrelevant audios like the video production crew interacting about technical occurrences will not be transcribed Example: 'Lights On' 'Move that light over here.' or 'Ok, let see if we can get the air conditioner turned off.')
How much it Costs? 10 USD to 12 Per Hour!
Price is very competitive at iSource. We charge 10 USD to 12 per hour depending on the Audio Classification category . We operate our exclusive delivery facility from India apart from our California office. Our pricing and Turn Around Time advantages are appreciated by all of our customers. Our pricing method is one of the best in the industry.
How de we do the Audio Classification?
We classify the Audio source by following categories.
Category - A
One on One Interview/Speech Lectures/Oral History/Web Conferences
Professionally Recorded
Broadcast ready recordings
Category - B
Group Discussions, Focus Group Sessions, Telephone Recordings, Work Place Interviews, Open air Recordings, Court Depositions
Technical Subject Matter
Category - c
Multiple speakers with indiscernible voice overlapping
Constant Background noise or music